Sunday, February 8, 2009

the last gas(p)

i was really ticked off to see the price of oil going down while the price of gasoline at the pump was going up. so i did a quick google search for the price of oil since 2002 and the corresponding price of gasoline, so see if the need to feed the monster was directly correlative, or if we're being gouged again. i was quite surprised to find the following gasoline price chart for upstate new york, where i live (there are other charts on the site, including downstate, etc.), was in keeping with prices from 7 years ago! wow, so i don't have to put on a chastity belt before driving up to the pumps!
All counties north of Rockland and WestchesterMonthly Regular Grade Motor Gasoline Prices(in cents per gallon, including taxes)

If the following chart appears impossible to read, the original(s) can be seen at:

2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002
Jan. 189.2 331.1 245.2 253.3 195.1 167.9 158.9 116.3
Feb. 328.22 39.7 245.7 201.4 177.1 170.4 117.6
Mar. 337.9 272.2 253.32 15.3 184.8 175.6 126.5
Apr. 357.7 292.6 288.0 230.2 184.7 170.6 144.8
May 391.1 310.0 301.1 225.6 205.8 159.6 147.0
June 420.5 311.2 288.9 222.7 209.1 151.7 146.3
July 420.9 305.0 298.6 234.8 198.7 154.4 146.0
Aug. 394.4 292.2 305.5 254.1 194.4 164.8 149.0
Sept. 378.6 289.4 282.6 315.7 194.4 177.5 149.9
Oct. 329.5 296.2 251.9 283.5 211.0 168.2 152.0
Nov. 250.1 327.5 240.1 244.3 211.3 160.7 152.7
Dec. 192.3 328.4 250.7 235.4 202.6 158.3 153.6

don't know what i'll do now that i don't have the correlation between oil and gas prices to moan about. probably have to work on web site update. now there's a monster to feed.

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